Carina Willette

Carina Willette
Resides in: Allentown
Years running: 2-3 years
Bio: I’m 26 years-old, married to my wonderful husband Brian. I started running when my friend asked me to train for the Broad Street Run. Since then I have run two half marathons and two full marathons, and a few smaller races. I have met some amazing people through my running group, Team in Training, a charity running group that raises funds for Leukemia and Lymphoma. I enjoy running in Lehigh Parkway and spending time with family and friends.

What do you enjoy most about running?
I love the challenge running has to offer. In the past, I was never a good long distance runner and had a tough time running over 2 miles, but with hard work and a lot of training, I entered my first 10 mile run and finished! Since then I’ve been addicted to running. I love being able to train HARD and accomplish my goals. Running offers such a sense of fulfillment.

What gets you excited about running?
My Saturday morning long runs! I never thought I would enjoy those 20 mile training runs, but I love being able to catch up with friends and make new ones. Every Saturday morning, I run with a group called Team in Training made up of inspiring individuals that raise money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. I have made some amazing friends there and enjoy my longs runs with them.

What are your favorite training foods?
For my long runs, I use Powerbar gels 1x caffeine. I take one before my long run and usually take one every 45 minutes. They work very well for me and keep me strong throughout my long runs. I took 6 gels during my last marathon, and never felt sluggish or even tired.

What is your biggest running accomplishment and why?
My biggest accomplishment happened on 10/10/10 when I ran the Steamtown Marathon. I set a difficult goal: to qualify for the Boston Marathon. I would have to cut 41 minutes off my marathon time from the year before. I trained extremely hard! With each step I took, I felt faster and stronger.

At mile 17, my husband and family were there cheering. My husband had a sign that said: “Carina You’re DYNAMITE!” and blasted Taio Cruz’s Dynamite song! At mile 22 I heard my name being called from a distance … a few seconds later all of my Team in Training friends were beeping the horn, and screaming as loud as they could as they drove by me “GOOOO CARINA!” I also had my Team in Training coaches run with me on certain parts of the course to make sure I was feeling good. (Talk about some amazing support!)

I was feeling more than good and crossed the finish line in 3:38:58 to qualify. I will never forget this accomplishment, especially because my husband, family and friends from Team in Training were there to support me.

Running Heroes?
I never had a true running hero until I met Fran Gough.  He organized an awesome event in Alburtis, PA called the 10k 5 bar beer run.  After speaking with him for a few minutes, he was one of those people you knew were going to make a difference in your life.  I told him I wanted to cut 41 minutes off my marathon time to qualify for Boston.  And he was so willing to help me.  He taught me running workouts that I never would have attempted, and ultimately taught me how to run smart. Without him, I wouldn’t be where I am today.  Thanks Fran, you are an awesome friend and great coach!  Also my heros are those who I run in honor of: the patients who are affected by cancer. They are heroes who motivate me to make a difference and train hard.

What are some things you’ve learned about yourself from running?
I’ve learned that I am a lot stronger than I thought I was. When I put my mind to reach a goal, I do whatever it takes to accomplish it. Whether it be running in the snow, getting up at 5am before work, or running 20 miles on vacation … I am a lot more determined than I realized!

8 thoughts on “Carina Willette

  1. You’re amazing, Carina!!!!! You’re truly inspiring and I’m so proud of you for ALL of your many accomplishments. Mostly, I’m impressed and awed by your up beat, loving attitude. You’re an amazing girl, and you’re an example to everyone! 🙂 xoxo

  2. Carina,
    You rock Girl! I will have to watch my back w/ you out there!!! Ha..hee… Keep up the GREAT work and always know….you can do it! You’ve acomplished so much this year…I dedicate 2010 the “Year of Carina!”

  3. Congrats on your BQ! So glad to read a story of someone who qualified and was able to take 41 minutes off her previous time. There is hope for me yet!

  4. Congrats on BQing. Did you get in? I’ll be there. Any questions on Boston, let me know. 16 Bostons.

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